Back to the allotment this week for my Six on Saturday, with some successes and some utter failures!
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – June 30th – successes and failures”Category: Six on Saturday
Six on Saturday – June 16th – the Quiet Garden
Something a bit different for my Six on Saturday this week – we took a wander through a local Church’s ‘quiet garden’, so here’s six we spotted there (or at least there and on the walk back home!).
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – June 16th – the Quiet Garden”Six on Saturday – June 9th – flowers and peas
The weather doesn’t seem to be able to decide if it’s going to be warm & sunny, or fresher and drizzle, but so far today it looks sunny – let’s hope it stays that way! Welcome to my Six on Saturday!
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – June 9th – flowers and peas”Six on Saturday – June 2nd – flowers galore
Where did May go?! The start of meteorological Summer and it’s grey & dreary out there…. I guess that’s about right for a British Summer’s day though. Welcome to my Floral Six on Saturday!
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – June 2nd – flowers galore”Six on Saturday – May 19th
While everyone else seems to be watching the build up to the Royal Wedding, I’m planning what’s heading onto the allotment next, trying to work out a way of ‘bulking up’ the soil in a raised bed (the multi purpose compost I put in is just like dust!) and hoping that the runner beans will get on and grow faster! Welcome to my Six on Saturday!
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – May 19th”Six on Saturday – May 12th
It’s a strange combination for my Six on Saturday this week – a mixture of harvest, flowers, tiny seedlings and a giant unknown “something-or-other”!
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – May 12th”Six on Saturday – May 5th – sunny bank holiday?
Hang on a minute, it’s a Bank Holiday weekend, and it’s dry & sunny?! I’m sure that can’t be right…. anyhow before the weather realises it should be cold & drizzly, welcome to my Six on Saturday!
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – May 5th – sunny bank holiday?”Stationery Six on Saturday – April 28th
I’m back with a slightly off-piste Six this week, as I’ve started a ‘little’ project which isn’t yet ready to feature on this blog! So, welcome to my Stationery Six on Saturday… that’s my pick of 6 stationery items for the allotment, not stationary as in a Six on Saturday which is standing still!
Continue reading “Stationery Six on Saturday – April 28th”Six on Saturday – April 21st
They forecast dry sunny weather today, and rain from about 9pm…. well they weren’t overly accurate, it started raining at lunchtime. But now it’s mid afternoon and the sun’s back out again, so we’re making the most of the dry warm day. Anyhow, welcome to my Six on Saturday!
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – April 21st”Six on Saturday – April 14th
So much for sunshine, it’s all foggy and murky out there this morning. But they’re teasing us with forecasts of 21C for parts of next week, so maybe Spring really has sprung! Welcome to my Soggy Six on Saturday!
Continue reading “Six on Saturday – April 14th”