The second raised bed, now I’ve planted some replacement strawberry plants in there. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to grow some runners from these, so the raised bed should fill up nicely.

Up to the first raised bed, and as you can tell, there’s not been much worked on in here yet. This one should have various different strawberry varieties plus chives.

Wild flower corner still looks like it needs a little taming, but I can’t work on it while the bees are buzzing around.

Not too sure what this is on my gooseberry – I couldn’t find it in any reference books….

“Half raised bed” is looking good, despite the grass encroaching from the pathway to the back.

My shaded herb patch clearly needs some bindweed removing, but other than that, it doesn’t look too terrible.

I should thin out some of those stinging nettles around the compost bin as well – not much help if you can’t get close enough to add to the bin!

Bindweed is trying to take over raspberry jungle as well. The raspberries can be challenging to weed around, as these aren’t a thornless variety!

Part way through weeding the rhubarb, and its surprising how tall that grass is!

This year we’ve grown two varieties of runner bean, one with white flowers, the other with red flowers. Both seem to be growing equally well.

I do think we should’ve planted those runner beans a little further apart though – it’s not easy to get between the rows!